The king is one of those progressive types. He is also, it turns out, a relationship anarchist. On my fourth day, he explains the ethics of non-monogamy. On the claw-foot divan in his antechamber, he misplaces his own wife’s name.
Redefining north.
The king is one of those progressive types. He is also, it turns out, a relationship anarchist. On my fourth day, he explains the ethics of non-monogamy. On the claw-foot divan in his antechamber, he misplaces his own wife’s name.
The best ruins remain
unforgiving, their brick carved
into a lidless eye.
“FUCKEN BWARK,” yelled the magpie, as it tumbled loose from the sky. “FUCKEN WHAT!”
You remember thinking—loosely—that it felt like plastic. Hard, and sort of dry. You remember that startled shimmer of surprise. Of joy, even. It felt good.