Redefining north.

Notes from Crew Quarters: Vacation Spots

Notes from Crew Quarters: Vacation Spots


Our editors confess their ideal vacation spots.

Lizzie Michael, Associate Fiction Editor 

I'm going to LA this spring break. Never been there before, but I heard that it's warm, which is what I'm looking forward to the most.

Robert Ball, Intern 

Any and all places of religious significance. Jerusalem, Mecca, Bihar, etc. Also Alaska! Cold, beautiful, and isolated... yes please!

Anne Okonowski, Associate Poetry Editor 

The Bermuda Triangle. I'm going to a new dimension. So long, everybody! But actually, my dream vacation would be to hike around Iceland.

Emily Doseck, Intern 

My family never did spring break trips for various reasons, but my dream vacation right now is Disney World because I feel like the only person who’s never been there.

Charlie Edwards, Intern 

Long Beach, California was a wonderful place to visit. My dream vacation would be Milan, Italy.

Ethan Brightbill, Managing Editor 

Oslo is where my wife and I spent our honeymoon. It's my favorite city so far, and Norway's undoubtedly my favorite country to visit. But I've gone to Long Beach Island, New Jersey many times, and the novella I'm writing is sort of in response to it. I've never written anything about Norway.

Jacob Hall, Associate Fiction Editor 

Chicago, where'd I'd fill myself with an absurd amount of Italian beef and deep dish pizza.

Krys Malcolm Belc, Associate Fiction Editor 

I’m a staycation enthusiast but I’m also really homesick for the east coast. An ideal spring break for me would involve hanging out with my brother and sisters in NYC and eating a LOT of bagels.

Generosity by Holly Karapetkova

Generosity by Holly Karapetkova

Two poems by Dan Gutstein

Two poems by Dan Gutstein